top resources for teachers

Hey teachers! We appreciate all you do – from early morning set-up to days full of snotty noses and constant questions to late nights full of grading. Teachers, you face a lot of challenges now too not just with balancing responsibilities but also with today’s ever-shifting environment. How can you teach kids most effectively in this political climate today? Well, we’ve put together our top resources to help you do just that.

Top Podcasts for Teachers: 

Top Videos for Teachers: 

Top Blogs for Teachers

Good teachers give of themselves on a deep level, building connections with their students. They’re dedicated to making a difference not only in education, but also the giving the proper mental-emotional support kids need as well.


  1. […] Teachers, this is going to be your best year. You can make it that way, because you’re committed to taking care of yourself and not working so hard that you get burnt out.  […]

  2. […] Teachers, this is going to be your best year. You can make it that way, because you’re committed to taking care of yourself and not working so hard that you get burnt out.  […]

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